The film had a budget of INR45 crore and grossed INR1 billion at the box office. Hari directed Singam II, which starred Suriya, Anushka Shetty, Vivek, and Santhanam. With the help of a few friends, he could arrest the true murderer, and the film concludes with the hero reuniting with the heroine. The singer is suddenly imprisoned for murder he is innocent and wishes to prove it by escaping jail. The plot revolves around a young Indian musician who falls in love with a girl. The film had a budget of INR50 million and garnered INR240 million at the box office. Prashant Chadha directed Aap Kaa Surroor, which stars Hansika Motwani, Himesh Reshammiya, Mallika Sherawat, and Darshan Jariwala. Also Read, The best of Trisha Krishnan who ruled many hearts with her smile 2. The hero travels to Hyderabad to rescue her from gangsters. She was kidnapped by Tambi Durai, a notorious smuggler who murdered her parents and wanted her to marry his son.
Hansika motwani and arya movie tv#
The plot revolves around a TV show director who travels to Kullu Manali to film a special episode and falls in love with a sannyasin.
The film was the year’s biggest hit in the Tollywood industry. The film had a budget of INR100 million and garnered INR300 million at the box office.
Puri Jagannadh directed Desamuduru, which starred Allu Arjun, Pradeep Rawat, Ali, Hansika Motwani, Jeeva, and Subbaraju. The villain was her Malayalam film debut (2017) Here is the list of 10 Best Hansika Motwani Movies… 1. She began her Tamil film career with Mappillai and has since acted in other financially successful Tamil films such as Engeyum Kadhal (2011), Velayudham (2011), Oru Kal Oru Kannadi (2012), Theeya Velai Seiyyanum Kumaru (2013), Singam II (2013), and Aranmanai (2014). Motwani has starred in a few Telugu films, including Kantri (2008) and Maska (2009). She made her Telugu film debut with Desamuduru (2007) and went on to win multiple awards, including a Filmfare Award.
She is an Indian actress who primarily features in Tamil and Telugu films and a few Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada films. Hansika Motwani was born on 9th august 1991 in Bombay, Maharashtra, India.